If the Tigrinya letters on our site do not display properly, click here for help
If you are using a Microsoft Windows computer, download either GeezMahtemUnicode Font OR Download GeezTypeNet Font and save it under your system's "Fonts" folder.
If you are using an Andriod based phone, Download GeezIME for Android

Apple iPhones and iPads do not have support for geez fonts





ምስ ጸውዑኻ ምጻእ፣ ከይመነውኻ ውጻእ።


ምስላ ክአርያ ካብ ቁምነገር ይቀርያ

ኣሕዋት ምስ ሰመሩ


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ኣምለሰት (Amleset )
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